“I got a bad feeling about this” – Jedi Knight Woran Cedriss
The first installment in The Force on Earth series was produced in collaboration with Sons of Winter Productions and Portal Productions. Woran Cedriss is enjoying a night on the town with his friends when he senses a disturbance in the force. This feeling leads him to an unexpected encounter with a Sith named Darth Ora. Until now the Force users on Earth have maintained their distance, but something has changed and the a new conflict is brewing.
“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…there was war” – Opening Credits
In the second installment of The Force on Earth series we launch into a three-part storyline. Watch as our young Sith Apprentice (Darth Laochra) infiltrates a Jedi training facility in order to upload secure documents to an unknown party. However, she must first face off against the various guards and Jedi Knights that stand in her way.